Trade Policy

Cattle Council Trade Policy

Trade reform Policy Position

Cattle Council of Australia is committed to ensuring that the grass-fed beef industry is included in, and benefits from, international trade agreements and supports the Australian Government strongly pursuing full and open access for all Australian beef products.


Cattle Council of Australia works to ensure that the international trade in beef is fully liberalised and that market distortions such as tariffs, quotas, subsidies and non-tariff barriers be removed. 

Our Vision

  • Continue to pursue trade agreements that provide improved opportunities for Australian beef     producers.
  • Ensure the beef sector identifies industry priorities and that these are included in trade negotiations to adequately address unique requirements such as biosecurity standards.
  • Focus resources to alleviate priority non-tariff barriers.
  • Safeguard Australia’s biosecurity system by allocating adequate resources to protect our production capacity, and underpin a strong science and evidence-based regime.
  • Advocate for the ratification of signed trade agreements to ensure they come into effect swiftly.